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A history of


Situated in the extreme south-west of the European continent, was deeply influenced by contact established with the Mediterranean and other continents.

The first people coming from the Mediterranean were the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians. Later also the Romans occupied the town, which they named Lacóbriga (hence its current name - Lagos). The Mediterranean influence was enhanced by the presence of the Arab people that conquered the city (about century. VIII) and protected with walls.

During the first half of the century. XIII, during the Reconquista, the Arab people were definitively expelled from the southern region, which has been given the name of Algarve, which is why the Kings called themselves kings of Portugal and the Algarve.

A history of


The military government was transferred Silves to Lagos, which helped to develop its importance. The city of Lagos and the town of Sagres, 30km away, still played a very important role during the Discoveries - century. XV, as maritime traffic center. Not only the vast majority of sailors crew of the caravels came from Lagos, as well, was this city that these caravels left, under the guidance of Henry the Navigator, towards the discovery of faraway places like Africa. From there they brought gold, ivory, slaves ... when it was built the Slave Market.

Several major browsers as Gil Eanes, Álvaro Esteves, Lanzarote de Freitas, left for Lagos Bay discoveries.  the city earned them their tribute assigning a few streets their names.

Before Faro, Lagos played the capital position of the Algarve until 1756; unfortunately much of its architectural heritage was destroyed by the earthquake of 1755. At present, the city maintains its old cosmopolitanism and the old complicity with the sea, responding to the challenges of the present, with respect for the past.

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